breckenridge co oxygen bars

Cures for Altitude Sickness in Breckenridge, CO

You have just arrived in Breckenridge Colorado for your week-long vacation (YAY!), everything seems to be going to plan until you wake up from your first night….and all of a sudden you feel terrible. The high altitude has taken its toll and you are experiencing many of the symptoms of the dreaded altitude sickness.

We want you to enjoy your vacation and get back to your adventures, so we have compiled some very useful resources to help fight altitude sickness. Here are the best cures for altitude sickness AND where to find Breckenridge, CO Oxygen Bars.

Cures for altitude sickness and breckenridge oxygen bars pin for pinterest

What is Altitude Sickness?

Altitude sickness, also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), is a condition that can occur when individuals spend time in higher altitudes, typically above 8,000 feet (2,400 meters) or more.

The AMS symptoms (outlined below) usually appear at some point during your first day/night at high altitude.

There are more severe forms of altitude sickness (high altitude pulmonary edema or high altitude cerebral edema) and these can to take longer to show symptoms (up to five days) and can be life threatening. 

Symptoms of Altitude Sickness (AMS)

  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Dizziness or Lightheadedness

You can read more about altitude sickness from Cleveland Clinic here.

What Percent of People Get Altitude Sickness?

Most people can ascend to 1500 to 2000 m (5000 to 6500 ft) in one day without problems, but about 20% of those who ascend to 2500 m (8000 ft) and 40% of those who ascend to 3000 m (10,000 ft) develop some form of altitude illness, most commonly AMS. 

Anyone can get altitude sickness no matter how fit or healthy you are, so it is important to know some tips and tricks if you happen to be the unlucky traveler.

Can you prevent Altitude Sickness when visiting Breckenridge

Yes and no. There are some steps you can take to decrease your likelihood of getting sick.

  • Gradual Ascent:

Ascend slowly to higher altitudes. Give your body time to acclimatize to the decreased oxygen levels. A general rule is to not gain more than 1,000 to 1,500 feet (300 to 500 meters) of elevation per day if possible.

  • Acclimatization:

Spend at least one to two days at a moderate altitude (around 5,000 to 8,000 feet or 1,500 to 2,500 meters) before going higher. This allows your body to adjust to the thinner air.

  • Hydration:

Stay well-hydrated. Dehydration can worsen the symptoms of altitude sickness. Drink plenty of water, but avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, as they can contribute to dehydration.

  • Diet:

Consume a balanced diet with an emphasis on carbohydrates, as they are easier to digest at high altitudes. This can help maintain your energy levels.

  • Medication:

Some individuals may benefit from taking acetazolamide (Diamox) or other prescribed medications that can help prevent altitude sickness. Consult a healthcare professional before taking any medication.

  • Rest:

Get adequate rest and sleep. Your body needs extra time to recover and adjust at higher altitudes.

  • Avoid Overexertion:

Avoid strenuous physical activity in the first day or two at high altitude. Gradually increase your level of activity as you acclimatize.

How to Cure Altitude Sickness in Breckenridge, CO

There is only one surefire way to cure altitude sickness and that is to descend to a lower altitude, while that might not be the best option for your travel plans it will certainly help. 

Rather than traveling back to lower altitude completely, if it’s not too much of a hassle, a day trip down to Denver can help dramatically. 

Even a day trip to Vail will help. Vail’s altitude is 1,450ft lower than Breckenridge; most experts suggest a decrease in altitude from ~1,000ft to 3,000ft will help reduce the effects of altitude sickness.

Other remedies for altitude sickness (if you can’t travel to lower altitudes)

If traveling to a lower altitude is not an option, have no fear there are a few more ways to help altitude sickness in Breckenridge. 

Breckenridge Oxygen Bars

The first remedy is visiting a Colorado oxygen bar. Breckenridge has a few oxygen bars that you can visit. Most customers that visit an oxygen bar do report feeling relief but let it be known once the oxygen is removed symptoms may come back.

Breckenridge, CO Oxygen Bars:

  1. PS Oxygen Bar Breckenridge: PS Oxygen Bar is our top pick in Breck. Prices start at just $25 + tax for 25-minute session. There are no appointments as it is walk-in only.
  2. Peak Oxygen Bar: Peak O2 Bar has personal home and travel oxygen rentals. If you are hosting an event in Breckenridge, you can even bring a whole oxygen bar right to your venue!
  3. The O2 Lounge: Here, you’ll find 15. 30, & 45 minutes Oxygen sessions. Plus, they serve smoothies, soft drinks, and coffee!

2. High Flavanol Cocoa Powder

There is some buzz surrounding Cocoa Flavanols, preemptively taking a high-flavanol cocoa powder before and during your trip to high altitude may help reduce the effects of altitude sickness.

A study conducted at the Department of Human Physiology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels showed that one-week cocoa flavanol intake increases prefrontal cortex oxygenation and can enhance O2 delivery by improving blood flow at high altitudes. This could improve tolerance to physical exercise and recovery thereafter.

Although there is limited scientific evidence the FDA has announced a Qualified Health Claim for Cocoa Flavonols reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Good Ole Fashion Water and Rest

hotels in breckenridge- resting when you have altitude sickness

Don’t forget good ole fashion hydration and rest will go a long way.  If you consumed alcohol the night before you might want to take a day off and let your body acclimate to the higher altitude before consuming alcohol again.

If possible avoid going any higher in altitude once you start feeling symptoms. Thankfully, Breckenridge has some pretty cozy hotels to relax!

Save Your Money: Does Boost Oxygen Work?

While visiting Breckenridge you will see Boost Oxygen all over the place, gas stations, shops and right on the mountain in Breck. Save yourself the money and take a pass on buying boost oxygen.

Don’t just take our word for it but the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus shot down the effectiveness of Boost Oxygen this summer. While you may receive a placebo effect there is no lasting benefit to using boost oxygen.

Breckenridge Altitude Sickness

From prevention to altitude sickness cures, we hope this guide was helping in planning your trip to Breckenridge. We sincerly hope the altitude doesn’t affect you, but it’s definitley better to be safe than sorry! And even if you don’t get sick, a trip to a Breckenridge Oxygen Bar might be a fun additon to your trip!